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2022-05-29 Publisher: Number of views: 3615

Continuously identify waste factors through energy monitoring and management,
To improve energy efficiency, Transfer each production line/Detailed management of each equipment, Remarkable results

:  Through real-time data analysis, Communicate with employees and develop new standards through the verification process, Optimize energy use
:  Through big data analysis, Energy consumption analysis can be developed, Holiday energy consumption analysis, Power quality report
:  Operation of production planning system with comprehensive consideration of energy and labor costs
:  lighting&Air conditioning comprehensive On/Off
:  To maximize energy efficiency, Through operation&Investment mode, Provide energy-saving consulting services

Comprehensive energy monitoring page

Three phase current/voltage/power factor , Peak power, load management

peak/flat/valley Analysis of electricity quantity and electricity price in each section

Power quality management (current/Power factor of the previous month, Current three-phase voltage/Current unbalance)

Basic information of electric power (three-phase voltage /current/Effective power/Invalid power/power factor , Grid frequency, Line temperature, Ambient temperature/humidity)

Gas/water/Instantaneous steam consumption (Master the causes of differences in each time period, Steam Peak Management)

Cumulative energy consumption (day/month/Annual usage analysis)

water pH/Conductivity

Steam temperature/pressure

Historical data management (The data of sub units is in EXCEL Format Download)